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3drus » Материалы за Май 2013 года

» CodeCanyon - Photo Contest Facebook App script
Web дизайн » Шаблоны
CodeCanyon - Photo Contest Facebook App script

CodeCanyon - Photo Contest Facebook App script | 1,86 MB

Photo Contest Facebook App is a very sophisticated application for organising photography contests or contests with graphic works. I originally created the application for my own needs. As a photographer with considerable experience in organising contests, I knew exactly how such a contest should work and what tools the administrator needs to prevent vote frauds. In this respect, contests are brought to perfection. Only one vote can be made for a single photo and voting after the end of the competition is impossible. Voting does not take place via the Like button as is often the case elsewhere. An application with this feature risks removal by Facebook's developers. I organised several contests before offering the contest here at Codecanyon.com and things went perfectly well.
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автор: GanjaParker | 31 мая 2013 | | Просмотров: 805 | Комментарии (0) | Подробнее

» CodeCanyon - Image-Based social media
Web дизайн » Шаблоны
CodeCanyon - Image-Based social media

CodeCanyon - Image-Based social media | 237 KB

This script represent the way to make an alternative to 9gag.com or any website from this niche. The installation has only 2 steps: upload the files on your web host, import the sql and connect with your data base. Functions: upload,edit(remove,rename) images, comments(facebook), viral like button, connect with facebook, 2 well-placed ads.
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автор: GanjaParker | 31 мая 2013 | | Просмотров: 781 | Комментарии (0) | Подробнее

» CodeCanyon - Ajax Tables
Web дизайн » Шаблоны
CodeCanyon - Ajax Tables

CodeCanyon - Ajax Tables | 354 KB

This script is the ajax version of our Advanced tables script. The result is that this script can work with much more data. It even can handle a database with more than 300,000 records.
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автор: GanjaParker | 31 мая 2013 | | Просмотров: 799 | Комментарии (0) | Подробнее

» CodeCanyon - MyJSON - Work with MySQL + JSON
Web дизайн » Шаблоны
CodeCanyon - MyJSON - Work with MySQL + JSON

CodeCanyon - MyJSON - Work with MySQL + JSON | 230 KB

MyJSON is a PHP5 Class, with it, you are now able to:
- Create JSON string from a MySQL Query
- Insert JSON content into a MySQL Table
- Create/Insert will work as export! So you is a new experience on backups: with JSON !
- The JSON created can be indented or not, you choose
- Easy to get class-failure errors
- Examples of both functions are included
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автор: GanjaParker | 31 мая 2013 | | Просмотров: 1139 | Комментарии (0) | Подробнее

» ABR Brushes - Water Splashes
Главная » Photoshop » Кисти Photoshop
ABR Brushes - Water Splashes

ABR Brushes - Water Splashes
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автор: GanjaParker | 31 мая 2013 | | Просмотров: 946 | Комментарии (0) | Подробнее

» ABR Brushes - Decorative ornaments corners dividers
Главная » Photoshop » Кисти Photoshop
ABR Brushes - Decorative ornaments corners dividers

ABR Brushes - Decorative ornaments corners dividers
ABR | 4,66 MB
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автор: GanjaParker | 31 мая 2013 | | Просмотров: 915 | Комментарии (0) | Подробнее

» Smoke ABR Brushes For Creative Design
Главная » Photoshop » Кисти Photoshop
Smoke ABR Brushes For Creative Design

Smoke ABR Brushes For Creative Design
2 ABR | 12,7 MB
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автор: GanjaParker | 31 мая 2013 | | Просмотров: 884 | Комментарии (0) | Подробнее

» ABR Brushes - TC - E P I C A - V tenderly
Главная » Photoshop » Кисти Photoshop
ABR Brushes - TC - E P I C A - V tenderly

ABR Brushes - TC - E P I C A - V tenderly
ABR | 367 KB
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автор: GanjaParker | 31 мая 2013 | | Просмотров: 888 | Комментарии (0) | Подробнее

» ABR Brushes - Light Beam 1
Главная » Photoshop » Кисти Photoshop
ABR Brushes - Light Beam 1

ABR Brushes - Light Beam 1
ABR | 23,0 MB
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автор: GanjaParker | 31 мая 2013 | | Просмотров: 824 | Комментарии (0) | Подробнее

» ABR Brushes - Curf Print
Главная » Photoshop » Кисти Photoshop
ABR Brushes - Curf Print

ABR Brushes - Curf Print
ABR | 35,5 MB
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автор: GanjaParker | 31 мая 2013 | | Просмотров: 737 | Комментарии (0) | Подробнее

» ThemeForest - Me Gusta! v2.5 - User-driven Content Sharing Theme
Web дизайн » Шаблоны
ThemeForest - Me Gusta! v2.5 - User-driven Content Sharing Theme

ThemeForest - Me Gusta! v2.5 - User-driven Content Sharing Theme | 2,31 MB

Thank you for choosing CosmoThemes and purchasing one of our Premium WordPress Themes - your choice is greatly appreciated! Me Gusta! is a user-driven content sharing WordPress theme suitable literally for any type of posts:
- images,
- videos with automated thumbnails creation,
- classic blog,
- combination of all content types,
- metro style web-site
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автор: GanjaParker | 31 мая 2013 | | Просмотров: 785 | Комментарии (0) | Подробнее

» WP-Types - Views v1.2 - Display WordPress Content without Coding
Web дизайн » Шаблоны
WP-Types - Views v1.2 - Display WordPress Content without Coding

WP-Types - Views v1.2 - Display WordPress Content without Coding | 3,04 MB

Need to develop custom functionality for your WordPress sites? You can build it with Views, from within the WordPress admin, without writing any PHP.
Using Views, you'll be able to develop sites faster and easier. Create impressive functionality in minutes and go from concept to final site in hours.
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автор: GanjaParker | 31 мая 2013 | | Просмотров: 735 | Комментарии (0) | Подробнее

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