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3drus » Уроки » 3d графика » Digital -Tutors Introduction to Modo

» Digital -Tutors Introduction to Modo
Уроки » 3d графика
Introduction to modo
A comprehensive guide to learning modo


Software: modo 301 and up
Run Time: 7 hrs. 45 min., 2 discs
Availability: Ships next business day

Digital -Tutors Introduction to Modo
Easily learn modo and a creative workflow to modeling, sculpting, painting, animating, and rendering using fun projects. Contains over 7 hours of project-based training for artists new to modo and its powerful capabilities. Perfect for new and beginning artists.

Popular highlights include:

    * Interface Overview
    * Customizing the Interface
    * Navigating 3D Viewport
    * Modeling Tools
    * Mesh Sculpting
    * Image-based Sculpting
    * Slicing Geometry
    * Smoothing Meshes
    * Combining Geometry
    * Setting Keyframes
    * Editing keyframes with Graph Editor
    * Blending Texture Layers
    * Utilizing Materials
    * Light Setup
    * Global Illumination
    * Subsurface Scattering
    * Adjusting Render Settings
    * Rendering Multiple Passes
    * Cloning Meshes
    * Working With Mesh Items
    * Bevel Tool
    * 3D Painting
    * Texture Layers for Effects
    * UV Layout
    * Morph Maps
    * Creating Images Inside modo
    * Using Solid Sketch

Lesson Outline:
1. Exploring the basics of the interface 16:00
2. Navigating the interface 6:36
3. Using the help system 4:58
4. Working with scene files 6:08
5. Setting scene preferences 5:34
6. Organizing scene items 8:35
7. Getting information about your scene 7:17
8. Changing viewport layouts 6:08
9. Customizing the interface 11:31
10. Using the workplane 4:53
11. Working with tools and the tool pipe 6:09
12. Geometry essentials - Working with subdivision surfaces 10:04
13. Changing settings for displaying geometry 7:59
14. Working with selections 10:24
15. Creating primitive geometry 8:17
16. Using the pen tool and solid sketch 11:48
17. Modeling with curves 10:44
18. Options for transforming geometry/Using snapping 10:58
19. Transforming elements 9:33
20. Using falloffs to modify tools 7:44
21. Using deformers 8:14
22. Options for smoothing geometry 3:58
23. Modifying subdivision edges 5:17
24. Slicing geometry 9:31
25. Using tools to add geometry 12:19
26. Combining and merging geometry 7:59
27. Removing and flipping polygons 4:04
28. Duplicating mesh items 9:10
29. Cloning geometry 9:00
30. Using Arrays to create large groups 6:05
31. Using Mesh Paint to place geometry 5:37
32. Essentials of UV layout 5:02
33. Using different UV projection methods 6:33
34. Using Unwrap and UV Peeler to layout UVs 7:30
35. Manipulating the UV layout 6:44
36. Essentials of sculpting 5:27
37. Using the sculpting tools 8:26
38. Combining sculpting tools with brushes 7:04
39. Using image-based sculpting 12:19
40. Texture mapping essentials 7:06
41. Changing material settings 10:07
42. Adding layers in the Shader Tree 5:41
43. Piping layers into different texture effects 6:44
44. Blending layers in the Shader Tree 9:15
45. Using the Paint tools 13:02
46. Combining brushes with the Paint tools 10:27
47. Using Image Ink to paint geometry 6:16
48. Animation essentials 3:46
49. Changing animation settings 6:19
50. Setting key frames 5:35
51. Editing key frames in the graph editor 7:00
52. Essentials of rendering 8:15
53. Changing render settings 6:52
54. Changing environment settings 5:14
55. Using cameras 8:18
56. Adding and modifying lights 8:10
57. Lighting with luminous polygons 3:47
58. Using global illumination and HDR(high dynamic range) 6:17
59. Adding backdrops 3:39
60. Adding new render outputs 5:04
61. Rendering animation / turntables 7:11
Total Run Time: 7:45:43

Item #: MOB-1023
Software Requirement: modo 301 and up
Run Time: 7 hrs. 45 min., 2 discs
Format: CD-ROM
Platform: Mac / PC
Availability: Ships next business day
Weight: 0.30 lbs
Сылки для скачивания:

  • 85
 (голосов: 1)

автор: pawel | 27 февраля 2009 | | Просмотров: 4499 | Напечатать | Обсудить на форуме

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