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3drus » Уроки » 3d графика » Digital - Tutors ICE Volume Rendering in Softimage

» Digital - Tutors ICE Volume Rendering in Softimage
Уроки » 3d графика

Digital - Tutors ICE Volume Rendering in Softimage
English | 2 hrs. 37 min. | Video: VP6 (.flv) 1280x720 | Audio: MP3 44.1KHz mono | 735 МB

In this course we will learn how realistic volume effects such as smoke,clouds and flames can be rendered using Softimage ICE tree networks.

This course will guide you through the entire start-to-finish process of building your ICE tree simulations and rendering the final results,with special emphasis on the concepts and workflows that you can incorporate into your own Softimage projects. We will learn how to create ICE trees and add dynamic forces such as wind and gravity to our simulations,we will learn how textures can be used to drive particle appearance and behavior,we will learn how to incorporate realistic light dispersion and absorption properties into our ICE volume particles,as well as many additional features,techniques,and workflows that will prove to be invaluable to all Softimage users who wish to use ICE tree simulations in their own projects.

Lesson Outline (16 lessons)

1. Introduction and Project Overview 1 min. 53 sec.

2. Creating a basic ICE simulation in Softimage 7 min. 11 sec.

3. Adding randomized forces to our ICE tree simulation 10 min. 53 sec.

4. Using the Particle Volume Cloud and Density nodes 13 min. 42 sec.

5. Using scalar textures to control particle density 10 min. 45 sec.

6. Understanding the impact of particle size and density 7 min. 33 sec.

7. Rendering thick, billowing smoke: Part 1 10 min. 2 sec.

8. Rendering thick, billowing smoke: Part 2 11 min. 3 sec.

9. Using ICE to simulate a large bank of clouds 8 min. 51 sec.

10. Rendering realistic clouds using ICE: Part 1 5 min. 45 sec.

11. Rendering realistic clouds using ICE: Part 2 12 min. 13 sec.

12. Rendering realistic clouds using ICE: Part 3 12 min. 33 sec.

13. Understanding the Lookup Table in Softimage 8 min. 5 sec.

14. Rendering rolling flames using ICE: Part 1 8 min. 35 sec.

15. Rendering rolling flames using ICE: Part 2 14 min. 8 sec.

16. Rendering rolling flames using ICE: Part 3 14 min. 43 sec.

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автор: Юрка599 | 31 декабря 2011 | | Просмотров: 1890 | Напечатать | Обсудить на форуме

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