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3drus » Уроки » 3d графика » Digital - Tutors Introductionto Mudbox 2011

» Digital - Tutors Introductionto Mudbox 2011
Уроки » 3d графика

Digital - Tutors Introductionto Mudbox 2011
English | 4 hrs. 14 min. | VP6 1000 Kbps | 782 x 646 15.000 fps | MP3 96Kbps | 2.80 GB

In this course we will consider the basics of working in Mudbox, including geometry, sculpture, painting textures, creating the model and export the grid, and maps.

Mudbox is a powerful tool for creating 3D-artists. This allows us to sculpt a very high resolution models, texture paint design for them and access to the grids of useful state. Using the project approach, we follow the basics of working in Mudbox, such as the user interface and work with geometry. We will look at the sculpture and painting subjects such as working with brands, setting brush properties, work with the paint layer, with the help of Mudbox with Adobe ® Photoshop ® and painting a few channels. We'll also cover methods for creating vector displacement maps to reproduce intricate details, and we learn to use the pose of tools to quickly create or deform our models. By the end of this course, you will have the understanding necessary to integrate into your own Mudbox workflow and get to the sculpture and painting their own projects.

Lesson Outline (34 lessons)

1. Introduction and Project Overview 1 min. 4 sec.

2. Exploring the User Interface 11 min. 10 sec.

3. Navigating the 3D View 4 min. 54 sec.

4. Working with Mudbox meshes and displaying geometry 4 min. 28 sec.

5. Importing geometry into Mudbox 7 min. 31 sec.

6. Working with Subdivision Levels in Mudbox 6 min. 48 sec.

7. Manipulating geometry in Mudbox 5 min. 55 sec.

8. Sculpting and Painting basics 10 min. 10 sec.

9. Shaping geometry using the Grab Brush 5 min. 4 sec.

10. Blocking in large shapes on the creature 9 min. 36 sec.

11. Refining the shell and membrane 10 min. 35 sec.

12. Detailing the inner shell 9 min. 9 sec.

13. Sculpting the underside of the creature 8 min. 30 sec.

14. Sculpting the front and back spines 7 min. 59 sec.

15. Adding surface detail to the main shell 7 min. 15 sec.

16. Detailing the creature's head 8 min. 20 sec.

17. Sculpting the legs of the creature 7 min. 4 sec.

18. Creating and using Vector Displacement Maps 11 min. 7 sec.

19. Using sculpt layers to blend detail 8 min. 12 sec.

20. Adding and manipulating materials 6 min. 35 sec.

21. Adding lights to Mudbox scenes 6 min. 11 sec.

22. Using the Viewport Filters 5 min. 39 sec.

23. Painting a base color for the body of the creature 8 min. 55 sec.

24. Painting the membranes 7 min. 15 sec.

25. Adding incandescence to the membranes 8 min. 19 sec.

26. Using the Dry Brush to paint the shell 6 min. 30 sec.

27. Using the Image Adjustment Brushes to modify textures 6 min. 8 sec.

28. Painting the spine and underside of the creature 6 min. 48 sec.

29. Painting the creature's legs 9 min. 25 sec.

30. Adding detail using Projection Painting 4 min. 13 sec.

31. Working with Mudbox and Adobe? Photoshop? 8 min. 10 sec.

32. Extracting maps in Mudbox 9 min. 29 sec.

33. Using the Pose tools 8 min. 54 sec.

34. Working with Mudbox and Maya? 7 min. 3 sec.

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автор: Юрка599 | 7 ноября 2011 | | Просмотров: 1451 | Напечатать | Обсудить на форуме

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  • Digital -Tutors Introduction to Mudbox

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