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3drus » 3D графика » Плагины 3D » CEBAS ScalpelMAX 2.0 and PSD Manager 2.1

» CEBAS ScalpelMAX 2.0 and PSD Manager 2.1
3D графика » Плагины 3D
CEBAS ScalpelMAX 2.0 and PSD Manager 2.1

CEBAS ScalpelMAX 2.0 and PSD Manager 2.1

CEBAS ScalpelMAX 2.0 and PSD Manager 2.1

ScalpelMAX 2.0 and PSD Manager 2.1 by CEBAS

Cebas ScalpelMAX v.2.0 for 3ds max 8-2010 32-64-bit
ScalpelMAX is a 3ds max object modifier, offering advanced slicing functionality with many specialized features. ScalpelMAX is perfect for users who create complex CAD viszualisations with polygon counts above 100.000. Also the games and video effects people will love SclapelMAX because of its incredible texture slicing feature. Mapping coordinates won't be affected by ScalpelMAX operations and this makes it possible to cut down any geometry without losing the materials and mappings!

ScalpelMAX can handle much higher polygon counts in realtime than the standard slice feature. ScalpelMAX also uses less memory to process the slice operation and this makes it also much faster than the built in feature. Another feature is it's very high accuracy! ScalpelMAX won't fail doing the cut operation while the standard feature gives up and creates unusable "data rubbish". Everybody who ever used the standard Slice function for complex tasks, knows what that means. The standard Slice often is not able to do the job accordingly, Scalpel is able to do it because it simply calculates more accurate/efficient.

Cebas PSD Manager v.2.1 3DS Max 2008-2010 32-64bit
psd-manager is the first and most advanced PSD file exporter for 3ds max/VIZ available on the market. Now, for the first time you can readjust nearly everything in the rendering with Adobe® Photoshop® or any another application that supports PSD files. psd-manager is the tool to help you save time and money by integrating the tools you best know and like.

Saving the rendered image as a layer in a PSD file is an easy task, psd-manger can do this and much more. It lets you add all render elements of your scene as layers to a PSD file. No more trouble to compose dozens of render elements, because presets and automatic layer sorting make it a breaze to setup the correct layer order. You may also manually control the blending modes along with the order of the layers. But psd-manager doesn't stop there. What you really need during post production and for last minute changes are accurate antialiased selections/masks. That's why psd-manager allows you to add selections or layers for each object/material of your choice to the final PSD. Gone are the days when you had to draw selections by hand or to render timeconsuming additional passes to get them. To give you even more possibilities to spice up your images you can even add G-Buffer Channels to the PSD file. All that psd-manager does relies on 3ds max core capabilities like the G-Buffer and render elements which make it fast, extendable and nevertheless open to all renderers.

  • 85
 (голосов: 1)

автор: asmodeus | 16 января 2010 | | Просмотров: 2242 | Напечатать | Обсудить на форуме

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