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3drus » Уроки » 3d графика » DigitalTutors - Character Creation in Zbrush

» DigitalTutors - Character Creation in Zbrush
Уроки » 3d графика
DigitalTutors - Character Creation in Zbrush

Create characters fast. Learn a practical workflow to character creation in ZBrush and a time-saving approach to rapidly shaping detailed concepts from simple ideas. Contains 4 hours of project-based training and gives artists the freedom to work creatively and with more flexibility.

Popular highlights include:
Creating ZSphere Base Meshes
Adding ZSpheres Symmetrically
Making Adaptive Skins
Creating Custom Alphas
Stylized Sculpting
Character Proportions
Look and Appeal
Creating Hard-surface Models with Topology Tools
Modifying Subtools with Subtool Master
Prototyping Clothing and Accessories
Creating Clothing with the Topology Tools
Extracting Clothing from Existing Geometry
Using Subtool Master with Materials
Transforming ZSpheres
Sculpting Detail into Meshes
Sculpting Fine Detail with Alphas and Strokes
Selecting Geometry using Polygroups
Deleting Geometry
Creating Fitted Accessories with Topology Tools
Extracting Geometry from Existing Meshes
Appending Subtools
Subtool Master to Manipulate Subtools
Using Masks Creatively with Primitives
Converting Primitives to Polygon Meshes

Lesson Outline:
1. Introduction and Project Overview 1:45
2. Blocking in the body with ZSpheres 11:28
3. Building the hand with ZSpheres 12:57
4. Creating the adaptive skin 4:08
5. Using the Move brush to shape the body 8:00
6. Refining the shape of the hands 7:00
7. Refining the shape of the feet 7:51
8. Shaping the character's head 7:13
9. Blocking in large muscle shapes 14:18
10. Creating hard edges with custom alphas 6:56
11. Adding stylized lines to the form of the body 10:24
12. Stylizing the face and head 10:38
13. Detailing the hands and arms 9:48
14. Detailing the feet and legs 8:51
15. Building the cape using the Topology tools 9:38
16. Finishing the base cape geometry 8:40
17. Sculpting the character's cape 6:18
18. Using Extract to create costume elements 6:35
19. Using Topology to create the mask 5:52
20. Creating the canisters with ZBrush primitives 5:11
21. Extracting a strap for the power canisters 6:41
22. Building a base for the gun 5:34
23. Detailing the gun 9:05
24. Adding the canister slot and tubes to the gun 5:41
25. Finishing and merging the gun 4:48
26. Adding straps and placing the gun 6:20
27. Extracting the character's eyes 9:15
28. Adding the cape snaps 5:13
29. Creating the belt emblem with the Topology tools 5:40
30. Finishing the belt emblem 9:12
31. Adding materials to the character 5:50
32. Creating costume variations - The Anti-hero 13:31
Total Run Time: 4:10:38

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автор: faracry | 16 июля 2009 | | Просмотров: 3421 | Напечатать | Обсудить на форуме

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